Start 4 counts before lyrics to keep the phrasing. Sholes (USA) - June 2023. 3&4. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: If Tears Could Talk - Alan Jackson. Holding (for the moment) the 2nd spot in the list is another Gary O’Reilly dance, but this one is co-choreographed with Maggie Gallagher. 17. 7-8 Bump hips left, hitch right knee. Line dances consist of a number of ‘walls’. . 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Terry Coleman (USA) - July 2023. Breaking Up is Hard to Do by Neil Sedaka. 1-2 Step right diagonally forward, lock left knee behind right. Music info. Lainey Wilson: Intermediate: June 2023: Facebooked! Shanthie De Mel: Breaking The Law by Judas Priest. 1 Use first shuffle to step to front and left side of partner, 2 Second shuffle turn back towards outside of dance floor, 3 Third shuffle go back to man behind you, 4 Fourth shuffle turn to sweetheart position with new partner, 5&6 Then you have two shuffles to do together. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141280. In the middle of the song there is a spot where the beat ends, leaving just the vocals. com. Use these step-by-step guides to practice a few popular line dances at home. Walk 2, step-rock side, cross, ¼ turn l, shuffle back turning ½ l. COUNT: 32 WALL: CIRCLE DANCE FACE LINE OF DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER: ? LEVEL: ABSOLUTE BEGINNER MUSIC: COTTON EYED JOE/Schottische 12” dance version by Isacc Payton Sweat. TonToga Cha Cha Alice Leys & Tee Humphrey - January 2018. FOR THE TRACK "SIN WAGON". 5-6 RF step right diagonal back right, LF step together. Lainey Wilson. Let's Face The Music And Dance - The Ray Geleto Giants. As you get started learning how to line dance, the most important aspect is figuring out steps. Fill in the Blanks by Greg Bates. 3,4 Step L over R, step R to R side. Move your right hand (currently on your left hip) over to your right hip. Face The Music choreographed by Maddison Glover - 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate level line dance. Side, Sailor x 3, Behind, Side 1,2&3 Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side (slightly forward) 4&5 Cross R behind L, step L to L. Music: Puttin' On the Ritz - Scooter Lee. or: Dance - Twister Alley. (STEP FORWARD, TOUCH, STEP BACK, TOUCH )x2 1-4 step left forward, touch right next to left,,. Download Step Sheets (dance steps) for line dances that only face forward. Dance starts on lyrics; 16 count intro. Back in Black (May 2012): Stepsheet • Demo. 32 Count 2 Wall IMPROVER Line Dance. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141202. 3-4 LF step diagonal back left, RF touch together. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Intermediate Line Dance - Mary Kelly (UK) Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141366. See line-dance videos here. 37-38 Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left) 39-40 Stomp right together, clap REPEAT OPTION 1: 1-4 Touch right heel forward 4 times & Step right together 5-8 Touch left heel forward 4 times & Step left together Born To Boogie by Hank Williams Jr. Music: Corazón De Melao - Emmanuel. Filter. Poker Face - 64 count Four-wall Advanced Line Dance by Craig Bennett (UK) January 2009. 5&6 Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd 7&8& Touch R heel fwd, close R beside L, touch L heel fwd, close L beside R Tag At the end of Walls 2, 5 and 8 ROCK FORWARD/ RECOVER, LOCK SHUFFLE BACK, COASTER, KICK-BALL-CHANGE 1-2 Rock R fwd, recover weight back onto L 3&4 Step R back, cross L over R, step R back This is a very sound dance to good music. Dance Your Yaaas Off. 3-4 Rock back on RF, Forward on LF. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. 32 count/4 wall line dance. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Polka Style Line Dance - Niels Poulsen (DK) - April 2011. 1,2 Step right to right side, step left behind right. Jul 6, 2022 - 14:58 (4 wall walk thru)This is a 32 count, 4 wall Improver/Intermediate line dance choreographed by Amy Glass. R: BACK, TOGETHER. Contact: - dancewithrachael@gmail. 1-4 Step right to right, left behind. Hope (바램) Jeang A Choi (KOR) - November 2023. 32 Count 2 Wall Basic Beginner Music: Baby Face - Lisa Del Bo "Been Their" First A. beginner: this little light, one step forward. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Jump In The Line (Radio Edit) - Sir. Tatiara Line Dance (YouTube) – Contact: [email protected] ¼ R step right forward, ½ right step L back, step R back, HOLD (9 o'clock) 5-8 Step L back, step R in place, step L forward, brush R forward. - 6:00. Free Printable Line Dance Steps - Mamma maria by ricchi e. Thriller Amy Christian (USA) - October 2013. uk. TAG. 8 secs. 15 Slight pause then bring right foot to place. i. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. TAG 3: 4 COUNTS End Of Wall 8 Facing @3. Dance ends facing front on count 20 (flick) 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Yvonne Anderson (SCO) - January 2020. 48 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Roy Verdonk (NL), Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) & Raymond Sarlemijn (NL). 5 - 6 Step right forward, step left forward. 27-28 Cross left behind, step right side. com. 2 bring left together with right. D. Return To: “Wobble” Choreographed by Vic Brentnell. 64 Count - Wall Intermediate - Partner Music: Broken Heart (feat. C The Slide Man. Dance. 13 Step forward on left foot (two lasso swings over head with right hand) & Slide right to left. Kickit Step Sheet - Stealing. (To make it easier you can replace the brush with a touch. Search by Dance title: Dance Title. 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Maddison Glover (AUS) - October 2020. 1-4 Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side, touch L next to R. RIGHT ROCKING CHAIR, RIGHT SIDE MAMBO STEP 1&2& Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left 3&4 Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together. In My Town Of Dreams mBah Wir (INA) - November 2023. 1 Touch R heel forward. Keep knees flexed and transfer weight from side to side with each beat of music, let the hips sway side to side with heel movements. 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Pat Stott (UK) & Lizzie Stott (UK) - April 2010. (UK) - November 2023. We Just Dance: Pauline Greenwood: Why Don't We Just Dance by Josh Turner: Beginner: April 2010: We Just Wanna Hit the Floor AB: Annemaree Sleeth: We'll Dance by Heartbeat Duo: Beginner: February 2015: We Like it That Way: Jennie Berry: I'm From the Country by Lee Kernaghan: Improver: February 2018: We Live Once: Glenda Silver: We Only Live. Last Update - 1st July 2016. Avg. Another great dance from Niels. For tutorial video click on: Fake IDChoreographer: Jamal Sims & Dondraico JohnsonLike/Follow/Subscribe to find out more!. 7&8 Run LRL. 48 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Kim Ray (UK) - April 2019. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate NC2S Line Dance - Dustin Betts (USA) - June 2016. co. 3 Turn body slightly right, touch right heel forward diagonal. Login;. 1-2. Stepsheets; Gallery;. WobbleCount: 32Wall: 4Level: BeginnerChoreography: V. Here’s a good clear break down of the steps to roll right: 1. 7&8 Cross left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left turning to face left diagonal. Won't You Dance With Me Brenda Holcomb (USA) - January 2021. Note: The dance is specially dedicated to Elise Hong who has entrusted me with her favourite song. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance). Contact: - patstott1@hotmail. Music: Uptown Funk (feat. Wiesye's Waltz Wiesye Baraoh (INA) - April 2012. American Kids Line Dance Instruction. Poor Boy Shuffle - 64 count with 16 count bridge Four Wall Intermediate line dance by Vicki E. 1,2,3,4 Stomp R fwd, tap R heel, tap R heel, tap R heel (weight on R) 5,6,7,8 Stomp L fwd, tap L heel, tap L heel, tap L heel (weight on L)Online Dance Lessons; Music Lists; Q & A; Blog; Electric Slide Dance Steps – For Beginners (Line Dance Video) by Leon Turetsky 1 Comment. For tutorial video click on: Fake IDChoreographer: Jamal Sims & Dondraico JohnsonLike/Follow/Subscribe to find out more! Y. We have been proudly partnering with the national dance community since 1998, and we are committed to continued excellence in service and partnership for many years to come! Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Niels Poulsen (DK) - March 2023. A hop means that you leave and land the same leg, which we've talked about before. John Ryan) - Pitbull. 1-2 Step R to side, step L behind R. [1-8] HEEL, TOGETHER, HEEL TOGETHER, WALK, WALK, TAP X2. 27 seconds. Find us on TheDanceFactoryUK. Step Sheets What are they, and how to read one Not all step sheets are created equal, however most modern sheets have a formula that makes them relatively similar. com. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Carine MISIAK (FR) - February 2013. Stepsheets; Gallery;. Music info. ENDING: On Wall 9, facing 12:00, dance all 32 counts to end facing 3:00. I Feel BLue Andrico Yusran (INA) - November 2023. STEP RIGHT FORWARD PIVOT HALF TURN ON LEFT REPEAT. Face The Music - Line Dance (Tutorial) Face The Music Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Intermediate Choreo: Maddison Glover (AUS) - June 2023 Music: More Than. Music: Tennessee Waltz - Patti Page . Grapevine R, Kicks, Hip Bumps. 8 Step RF forward,. Tammy's Waltz Michael Lynn (UK)Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance) Hosted by Bootscootin' Western Sydney . ) Face The Music; 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance; Maddison Glover; Menü. Right to right, close left to right, back on right. Dance up to count 28 (R side rock, R behind-side-cross), then make a sharp ¼ turn right stepping L to left side “Ta Da!”. Music: Another Heart by ILIRA. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: If Tears Could Talk - Alan Jackson. The House Party line dance is done to the song “House Party” by Sam Hunt. Search by Dance title: Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date. Login; Register;. Intro: 4 counts from heavy beat approx. Styling: prissy walks or walk on toes fwd. 5-8 Step left back, sweep right to side, step right behind left, step left to side (12:00) 1-4 Cross rock right over left, hold, step left back, step right to side. com - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933. 1 – 2 Long step Right to Right side. 9-10 Step back on left turning ½ turn right, step forward. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner - Bachata Music: COBARDE - Sofía Reyes & Beéle. Country 2 Step [line] by Masters In Line. Step Sheet: Click here to download. Country As Can Be [line] by Suzanne Wilson. 1-4 Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right, hold. Ending: Dance the first 16 counts of the dance and end the dance with a pose. Old Dominion) - NEEDTOBREATHE. Login;. 5-6 Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF. 7/17/08 3:40 PM. Contact: [email protected] Step R across left, Point L to left, Step L across right, Flick R heel back [9] (counts 1-3 travel forward) 5-8 Step R across left, Step L back, Step R to right, Step L beside right [9] REPEAT. 8 AUG '22 50. T. CROSS. Lainey Wilson) - Lukas Nelson & Promise of. 3. 1 & 2). 7 Step right behind left. 30) (3), 1. Face The Music. 1&2 Step right foot to right side, step together with left foot, step right foot to right side. Music: Words Fly by Wyn Williams. Beginner (Brushover Vine, Charleston Brush, Toe Tapper, Cowboy, Clogover Loop, Rock Double) Personal website for Trevor & Karen Tripp, includes photos, graphics, choreographed ballroom dance links, line dance step sheets, clogging cuesheets cue sheet. Script Views 807 | Downloads 55. M. REPEAT. Ending The 11th wall is the final wall – you will begin the 11th wall facing 6. wall 5 Sec. LINE DANCE HISTORY. 3-4 Step right diagonally forward, scuff left next to right. Alternate music: any evenly-phrased track in the 100-110 BPM range. Script Views 4068 | Downloads 433. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Thriller - Michael Jackson. Lainey Wilson) -. Ending - If you want to end facing the front: Complete first set of 8. 64 Count 4 Wall - Music: Soul - Lee Brice. "Good Time. 48 Count 2 Wall IMPROVER Line Dance. To make it easier to create a dance sheet for a dance, choreographers and line-dancers have come up with names for short sequences of steps – thus instead of saying “step to the side, cross behind, step to the side, step together. 1&2 Step left forward and bump hips left, right, left. Line Dance stepsheet list for dances choreographed to Stella Adee - Face the Music. Intro: Start after 24 counts. Share, download and print free sheet music for piano, guitar, flute and more with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists and other musicians with over 1,000,000 sheet digital music to play, practice, learn and enjoy. 14 Step forward on left. & Step back on ball of right foot. (Option on 5-6-7-8 is to shimmy or chest pop as you step side together side touch) (Beginners can simply repeat the above counts to have a 4 wall 32 count dance. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: I Get High ft Nina Hagen (feat. This video will give you the idea. To make it easier to create a dance sheet for a dance, choreographers and line-dancers have come up with names for short sequences of steps – thus instead of saying “step to the side, cross behind, step to the side, step together. 1&2. End of wall 4 at 12:00 for 12 counts, sway twice slowly in place & hold on the. 9-10 Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right) 11 Turn ¼ right and step left to side (12:00) 12 Step right together. 32 Count 4 Wall Novice / Intermediate - WCS Music: goodbye looks good on you (feat. Choreographer: Unknown Music: Devil Went Down to Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band Step Sheet: Click here to download. 64 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Intermediate Line Dance - Norman Gifford (USA) Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141344. SIDE, BEHIND, ¼ TURN SHUFFLE, STEP, ½ PIVOT, STEP, CLAP. Maddison Glover has choreographed 152 dances, of which 61 have been co-choreographed. Description: 48 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music: Last Night by Chris Anderson & DJ Robbie 121 bpm. . com. Step left foot forward with the toes to the left foot pointing to the back wall (when you pick up your right foot you should now be facing the back wall). 1-2-3-4Step right toe back, lower right heel, step left toe back, step down on left heel. 1-2-3 Left foot forward, bring right foot next to left, step on left. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. 16 Count 4 Wall Line Dance - Sheila Vee (UK), Carol Hick (UK) & Rob Fowler (ES)Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance). 3-4 Punch both fists upwards, hold. 5-6 Making a ½ turn left, step forward on L (5) making a ½ turn left, step back on R (6) 7&8 step back on L (7) step R next to L (&) step forward L (8) End of dance, repeat, smile and enjoy 😊. 5&6 Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd 7&8& Touch R heel fwd, close R beside L, touch L heel fwd, close L beside R TAG: At the end of wall 2 (facing 6:00) and wall 5 (facing 3:00); add the following 8 counts. New Felix Navidad. THE MAIN DANCE. Enjoy! Contact: Kickinitwithlinda. Keep These Boots Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - June 2023. If at all the kick steps (on section 1) become too much, you can always replace the kick steps with a “cross-point step”. These are some of the most popular Line. Printable Dance Step Sheets; Wobble. . ENDING: On Wall 10 dance to count 18, Step forward on Right and pivot 1/2 over Left to face the front. *RESTART on Wall 4 after 48 counts facing [12:00] ENDING: On last wall of dance, S8: counts 5-8 Jazz box to the front 5-8 Cross right over left, Step back on left, ½ right stepping forward on right, Stomp forward on left [12:00] MUSIC LINKS :-. Step side right with the RF, bring the LF next to the RF, and step side right with the RF (R-L-R) 3 - 4. Watch the video a few times to get acquainted with the music and how the dance looks, and then turn the music off and break the steps down using the step sheet. 3&4 Make ¼ turn right stepping to side on left, close right next to left, step left to left side. Boogie roll: Similar to forward Cuban. 1,2 Make 1/2 turn to right, Step forward on left (6. Video taken at Gator by the Bay Festival 2014. 6 Turn ¼ left and step right to side (12:00) 7-8 Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. Feel free to add your own moves to this fun, western style line dance. KICK/KICK, SAILOR STEP. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Francien Sittrop (NL) - January 2012. The Electric Slide is one of the most commonly-learned line dances. It can be danced by several couples on a large floor, by having the lead gentleman start the vine to the left and then join the last lady in the line with all other gentlemen moving up one lady. All of the step sheets below are printable. 1-2-3 Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side. 16 counts (8 secs) S1: STEP, TAP & HEEL & WALK, ROCK, RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE 1-2& Step forward on right, Tap left toe next to right heel, Step slightly. Beg. (Often there are dancers that want to dance in the center, and some around the outer edge - this satisfies the former. 9-10 Turn ½ turn left and shuffle right-left-right to right side. 48 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Rachael McEnaney (USA) - July 2014. End dance with your L hip bumps turning ¼ L - 12:00. net Music: All I Do Sung By: Wayne Brady (Non-Country) 113. BE. 1-4 Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, touch left heel diagonally forward (clap). Brave by Don Diablo & Jessie J. Bright & SHINE-y new line dance step sheet & video; Watermelon Crawl line dance video & step sheet;. Zombie Thriller Amanda Andrews (USA) - October 2013. 2. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Jonno Liberman (USA) - February 2018. Music info. A home for Australian line dance step sheets See the Main Page (link below) for instructions on submitting stepsheets. FORWARD ROCK-STEP, REPLACE, CHA-CHA STEPS, BACK ROCK-STEP, REPLACE, CHA-CHA STEPS. 48 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Yvonne Krause-Schenck (USA) - March 2019. Print Large Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Intermediate Choreographer: Maddison Glover (AUS) - June 2023 Music: More Than Friends (feat. Choreographer’s Note: When the music sounds like it is ending, keep dancing. Dj Dance. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles;. LEFT ROCKING CHAIR, LEFT SIDE MAMBO STEPVideos on Copperknob: 26. If you are looking for even more beginner line dances for the rest of the year, check out my post “ 20 Beginner Line Dances You Need to Know! “. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance). Learn a New Dance. 6. Claire Bell. Sweep. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. Music: Man, I Feel Like a Woman - Udo . The Music Man - Paul Bailey. Breakin' in Boots Ann-Jeanett Ramsvatn (DK) - November 2023. More Than Friends by Lukas Nelson ft. The line dance is commonly performed to the tune of country music. [1] [2] [3] Unlike circle dancing, line dancers are not in physical contact with each other. 16 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Sugar - Maroon 5. 1 & 2. 3,4 Large step RF to R, drag LF next to RF. 8&9 Step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right. 7 Touch R toe back. Styling: lean slightly L and slide your L. 3,4 Large step RF to R, drag LF next to RF. C. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Intro: 8 WALK, WALK, ANCHOR STEP, FULL TURN, COASTER STEP 1-2 Step right forward, step left forward 3 Angle your body to face right diagonal, step ball of right behind left &4 Step left in place, straighten your body to face forward, step right slightly back 5-6 Turn ½ left. Step forward on Lt. Start dancing on lyrics. [email protected]. Music: Country In Me - Lauren Alaina . 32 count 2 wall INTERMEDIATE. Start Again. Ending : Wall 13 after 4 counts. much as choreographers to Irish dance music do with incorporation of Irish steps from Lord of the dance for eg. Like I Love Country Music by Kane Brown: Intermediate: May 2022: Let's Get it On:Body turned slightly to the right diagonal. 7-8 Shuffle left-right-left to left side. So Sexy Lilian Lo (HK) - November 2023. 5-6 Touch left toe out to L. A home for Australian line dance step sheets See the Main Page (link below) for instructions on submitting stepsheets. 1-2. There are many regional variations of this dance. 36 Count 4 Wall beginner/intermediate waltz Line Dance - Terry Mandzuk (USA) Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141324. S1: WALK CLAP, WALK CLAP, RIGHT LOCK STEP. com. “December 1963 (Oh What A Night),” The Four Seasons. 5-6 Step right forward to right diagonal, touch left next to right. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: I Get High ft Nina Hagen (feat. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: A Love Song For You - Rio Wang (汪睿) : (Album: Love is Sweet OST) Gonna Be You Jasmine Wang (MY), Christine Chiam (MY) & Jen Lim (MY) - November 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Yujin Jung (KOR) - July 2017. 48 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Karen McMillan Clark (USA) - May 2022. NOTE TO INSTRUCTORS: Because Section 1. 1 step r behind l & step l to left side Web this dance is a 32 count simple dance in the same vein as electric slide, cha cha slide, etc. Repeat. Straighten up, swinging arms left. [1-8] SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE TRIPLE, BACK ROCK, SIDE, 1/2 TURN & STOMP-UP. 2 Step left across in front of right. Music: First Fool In Line - Streamline : (Don Williams Cover - iTunes) #20 Count Intro. Release Date. Sholes (USA) - June 2023. Music: Shackles by Steven Rodriguez. 32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Line Dance - Carlton Thompson (USA) - August 2017. Per the step sheet, the shimmies are done on the drag steps (counts 2 and 6), so they are minimal. Contact: princessue@gmail. 1-2 RF step right diagonal forward right, LF touch together. Walk Around 1/2 turn right to face front - L, R, L, R. 5-6 Bump hips left, right. Lulu Price. 3&4 Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross-step right over left. Choreographer: Jo Thompson Description: 48 count, 4 wall, line dance Music: Suds In the Bucket by Sara Evans, 6 Days on The Road by Sawyer Brown,. 56 Count 2 Wall Low Intermediate Music: Gonna Be You (feat. Christmas Chok Fredo (INA) - November 2023. 1 dance in October 2023 with We Should Get. Music:Men In Black by Will Smith. 5/4/10 11:17 AM. 6 NOV '22 50. Ending On Wall 6, dance up to count 44 (finish diag. A beginner dance is usually 32 counts long (for an 8-beat phrased dance) or 4 lots of 8 counts. Cobarde Metty (INA) - November 2023. Touch right toes back two times. . You don’t even need a partner. Line dancing, whether to pop or country music or anything in between, is a great way to get everyone out on the dance floor. PDF files of The All-Time Favorite Line Dance Classics (Vol. “ Wobble ” by V. Print and download Let's Face the Music and Dance sheet music from Follow the Fleet. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, ultra beginner line dance Music : Skinny Genes by Eliza Doolittle Commence on vocals. Intro: 16 counts after electric guitar kicks in (32 counts from first “Doh”) TOUCH OUT, IN, STEP SLIDE, TOUCH OUT, IN, STEP, SLIDE. Wiesye's Waltz Wiesye Baraoh (INA) - April 2012. Music info. Position:Couples face forward LOD with man on the inside and hold 'inside' hands (lady's left hand in the man's right hand). Mildred Bailey) - Parov Stelar : (Album: Burning Spider) Tears Could Talk Salfoo (MY) - November 2023. basically a syncopated elongated right sailor step (Behind, step, step), so when I call out the steps to my class while dancing, it is much easier to holler. NOTE: There are sections before you start a new wall when the music goes, just keep dancing the beat kicks back in on count 2. Level: Beginner.